Designed for the IFSC Bouldering World Cup in Toronto
Shaped by Luigi Montilla
These 10 crimps were made to challenge the best climbers in the world! Like all Friction holds, these were designed to help setters create day after day, inspiring and challenging climbers, and be versatile enough to never feel like a one-trick pony.
NOTE: All holds should be attached with appropriate length/type of bolts and all appropriate set screws. If you are uncertain what size you need, contact us or choose 'add bolts' at checkout.
How many holds come in this set?
A: This set contains 8 holds total but is also compatible with this set for a total of 16 if you are building a wall that is greater than 20' high.
How many holds come in this set?
A: This set contains 8 holds total but is also compatible with this set for a total of 16 if you are building a wall that is greater than 20' high.
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